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含有…in doing sth的常用句式(二)

责任编辑:小西瓜 发表时间:2014年09月11日 14:30 浏览次数:1034

11. have a problem (in) doing sth做某事有困难

We had a problem (in) understanding what he says. 我们要理解他说的话有不少困难。

They seem to have a problem (in) finishing the work in half an hour. 他们要在半小时内把工作干完似乎有些问题。

12. have a good time (in) doing sth 做某事很开心

We had a good time (in) playing tennis. 我们打网球打得很开心。

The children had a good time (in) playing football on the sands. 孩子们在沙滩上踢足球玩得很开心。

13. have a hard time (in) doing sth 做某事很辛苦

I had a hard time (in) getting them to see the point. 我费了很大劲儿才让他们明白我的意思。

14. There is…difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有……困难

There was not much difficulty (in) finding his office. 没费什么劲就找到了他的办公室。

There was great difficulty (in) finding a parking place. 我们费了很大劲才找到一个停车位。

15. It’s no use (in) doing sth 做某事没有用(不行)

It’s no use trying to get round (in) paying the income tax. 设法不交所得税是不行的。

It’s no use trying to see him at six this evening, because he’ll be giving a lesson then. 今晚六点钟去找他没用,因他那时要讲课。

16. There is no point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义

There’s no point (in) waiting. 等待是毫无意义的。

There’s no point (in) taking your car if you can’t park. 如果那里不能停放车辆的话,你开车去就没多大意义了。

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