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责任编辑:小西瓜 发表时间:2014年09月06日 14:27 浏览次数:1207

fall asleep

The child soon fell asleep. 孩子很快睡着了。

While he was studying, he fell asleep. 他念书念得睡着了。

He fell asleep with the light still burning. 灯还开着他睡着了。

He said that if he fell asleep at the wheel she was to wake him up. 他说,如果他在开车时打瞌睡,她必须把他叫醒。

fall ill

Tom suddenly fell ill yesterday. 汤姆昨天突然病了。

He has fallen ill. 他病了。

He was to have been the new ambassador, but he fell ill. 他本来要出任新大使,但是病倒了。

fall silent

He fell silent. 他静了下来。

At the President’s entry everyone fell silent. 总统进来时大家都安静下来。

fall a victim

He fell a victim to her charms. 他成了她魅力的受害者。

Lots of people fell victims to fascism. 许多人成了法西斯的受害人。

fall prey

The zebra fell prey to the lion. 那斑马被狮子捕食。

She was prey to irrational fears. 她遭受着无端恐惧的折磨。

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