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责任编辑:小西瓜 发表时间:2014年06月20日 15:21 浏览次数:826


be angry about 为…生气                be anxious about 为…忧虑

be careful about 当心                      be certain about 确信

be curious about 对…好奇              be disappointed about 对…感到失望

be excited about 对…感到兴奋       be glad about 对…感到高兴

be happy about 为…感到高兴         be hopeful about 对…抱有希望

be mad about 对…入迷                   be nervous about 为…感到不安

be particular about 对…讲究            be sad about 为…而难过

be serious about 认真                        be sure about 对…有把握

be worried about 为…担忧

2. be+形容词+at

be angry at 为…生气                         be bad at 不善于

be clever at 擅长于                             be disappointed at 对…感到失望

be expert at 在…方面是内行               be good at 善于

be mad at 对…发怒                            be quick at 在…方面敏捷

be skilful at 在…方面熟练                   be slow at 在…方面迟钝

3. be+形容词+for

be anxious for 渴望                            be bad for 对…有害,对…不行

be bound for 前往                              be celebrated for 以…出名

be convenient for 对…方便                 be eager for 喝望

be famous for 因…闻名                      be fit for 合适,适合

be good for 对…有益(方便)                be grateful for 感谢

be hungry for 渴望得到                       be late for 迟到

be necessary for 对…有必要               be ready for 为…准备好

be sorry for 因…抱歉                         be suitable for 对…合适(适宜)

be thankful for 因…而感激                  be well-known for 以…出名

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